The Key Benefits of IT Asset Management

To understand the importance of IT Asset Management, it helps to look at some numbers. Today’s employees each have an average of 2.5 IT devices. For a midsize company with 1000 employees, it adds up to 2,500 IT assets – and that’s just the beginning. Now include all the servers, routers, printers, monitors, peripherals, and […]

7 Simple IT Service Desk Tips to Improve Incident Management

How long does it take your IT service desk to resolve an incident? It’s likely you can’t give a straightforward answer.  After all, your helpdesk workflow depends on a wide range of factors at any given time, including the volume of reported incidents, their severity, complexity and urgency, and the availability of the IT team. […]

What is Incident Management in ITIL?

A slow laptop. Conference room isn’t connecting to Zoom. Worst of all, a complete network outage. These are all examples of IT “incidents”, ranging in severity from minor and localized, to major, affecting the entire organization. Managing incidents is a core part of the day-to-day responsibilities of the IT department. The average organization faces 1200 […]

5 Ways to Automate Your IT Workflows and Boost Efficiency

Are you investing in IT automation yet? For most organizations today, the answer is ‘yes’. According to the 2024 Global State of IT Automation Report by Stonebranch, 86% of surveyed companies said they plan to grow their automation program in the coming year. IT departments are under constant pressure to manage an increasing number of […]

How IT Managers Can Become Business Leaders

IT manager with a cyber hand

According to research by CompTIA, the technology sector is responsible for economic growth in the US, more than any other profession besides healthcare. A smooth, efficient IT ecosystem is a critical part of running a business. Without a solid IT manager at the helm, a company simply cannot function properly, succeed, or grow. And everyone […]

Service Level Management Explained: Basics and Best Practices (2024)

According to The Global IT Experience Benchmark, 80% of employees believe that lost productivity is caused by just 12.6% of IT tickets. This highlights an ongoing challenge in IT service management: the gap between the performance of IT service teams, and the perception of IT service among the customer base. Successful ITSM means that your […]

Gold! How IT Managers Can Be Like Olympic Athletes and Win at ITSM

Athletes runners crossing the ITSM line

Becoming Michael Phelps or Jenny Thompson takes more than athletic genes. It demands intense dedication, physical conditioning, and mental strength. An Olympic swimmer at the top of their game has been through years of rigorous training, daily drills, and tests of endurance. While only the tiniest number of people make it to the top leagues […]

What is an IT Ticketing System?

IT Manager on his desk

Did you know the average monthly volume of IT tickets across all industries is 0.54 per user? In a company with 1000 employees, that amounts to 540 tickets a month, or 27 per business day! In hi-tech, the numbers are much higher: 1.38 tickets per user per month, or 69 tickets per day for a […]

The Top 5 KPIs for Help Desk Managers


If you’re a Help Desk Manager on the hunt for metrics to drive your team’s performance, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will delve into the top five IT help desk metrics, as outlined in the 2023 HDI research report. These key performance indicators (KPIs) can be invaluable for enhancing your Help Desk […]